June 28th-July 13:
Trip to Croatia (by way of Graz, Austria) for a week of sailing in the Adriatic with six friends, followed by a few days of unplanned exploration of Croatia on land. I wanted to do something enjoyable on the water for myself and a few friends that would put all these skills I've picked up over the last year to good use.
July 13-17:
I don't even get to come home. I turn right around in the London airport and head back to La Coruña, Spain to visit Susan and Tito (friends of almost 20 years) in Tito's home town.
July 18-19:
Last chance to take care of any outstanding details before...
July 20-27: Part C1 training-the first of two week-long sessions at sea that will conclude the extent of my Clipper Ventures training. This first week involves a run down to Rotterdam in the Netherlands, followed by The Wilberforce Race, a race from Rotterdam to Hull, England (birthplace of William Wilberforce), part of Hull's year of festivals and celebrations of the 200th anniversary of Wilberforce's final success of a life long effort dedicated to ending British slave trade.
On and on it goes like that until I'll find myself ready to close down this apartment in Gosport and start living on the my assigned boat full time towards the end of August. Which boat this is will be announced on June 30th, while I'm floating around on the Adriatic. I'll have to find an internet café somewhere to find out for myself.
One of the participants of the Croatian trip is Jamie (taking me a tandem hanggliding flight below in Florida and, below that, taking another friend of ours for a summer time ride). As someone who makes her living on the internet as an intellectual property lawyer, she is inseparable from her Blackberry. The upside of this is that she intends to post comments and perhaps even lo-resolution photos from our adventure day by day.
You can follow us, then, on her blog from June 28th to July 7th at: