Sunday, December 09, 2007


[photo posted in Fremantle December 28th: here I've learned that I can pull the neck seal of the drysuit up over my mouth and inflate it like a balloon, much to the amusement of the entire crew]

Today, for the first time, I actually put on my dry suit; a one-piece completely sealed goretex unit that isn't much different than the one I use to scuba dive in the winter. It has integrated water-proof socks, tight rubber seals around the wrists and neck (it takes a while to ignore the strangling sensation it gives you) and no other place that water could enter. Its one zipper crosses my chest from upper left to center below the waist. Most zip upper left to lower right, so my suit makes me the envy of all the other men wearing dry suits, as they take a fair effort to get on and off and only mine allows me to urinate without taking it off.

Now that I've finally broke out the dry suit, it will probably turn sunny and warm.

Happy as a lark down here (now above the 40th parallel so technically back in the Indian Ocean). I'm so happy, in fact, that I'm wondering if someone who's spiritually in tune with me has their finger on the 'Happy' button.

Haven't shaved in two weeks so now my usual sign-off emoticon of


is now
